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Online Personal Training

From online coaching, you will receive a program that accurately correlates to the desired result you want based on your lifestyle & personal fitness goals. Do you have specific needs? this is great if you are under the following i.e, training around an old injury, time management issues, no gym or lack of equipment, in need of specific training for a event and a lot more. As usual if any disabilities please see a doctor before partaking in any training regime.


My training knowledge come from long life focus & passion of fitness into a sports specific background of powerlifting, which is a all round sport of overal conditioning that involves cardiovascular fitness, perfection of movement pattern in exercises, fat loss, strength training, muscular balance, flexibility, rehabiliatation & muscle building. 

My training knowledge has helped many types of clients of different fitness levels & backgrounds in my decades involvement in general fitness.

Questions that need answering


How much does it cost?

The fixed price is £169 for online coaching, First timers will recieve a 15% off discount

How long do I commit for?


As long as you feel your getting the benefit of the training your recieving & making progress which can be seen with a few weeks of training

Do I have to be in shape to start?


Every body started somewhere & at all ages.

everyone has started from the ground up, from zero

How do you monitor my progress?


Your online programme will involve progressive overload, weights, reps & sets schemes.  like you see all over social media, record your best set & send the footage over for correct movement analysis


How do I make Payment?

like a gym monthly membership youll need to create a standing order  for the first of each month. You can cancel anytime, giving notice when you want to cancel before the next payment is due

Is my training customised?


absolutely! everyone has has thier own unique prefered results they want to achieve, everyone has different tolerances & levels of fitness to exercise. some exercises work for some & not for others

Do I have to use a gym?


Not at all, We all have different styles of training we would prefer & some would like the comfort of thier homes to do it at, we can create a program even with limited equipment 

How do I get help if I need it?


you can communicate using text or email all communication. You will get a response in less than 24hours

Please fill out this first application following you will get an additional questionaire that asks more in deph about yourself


How does it look in use?

 You will recieve a whole months training routine through google sheets not using skype or video one to one. once received you are to be left to your own devices & use the quality videos provided demonstrating good technique

















like all programs you will be given the correct weights, reps ranges, tempo, rest times etc.

In the plan are carefully selected high quality videos from Youtube that educates you on how to execute exercises and multi-joint movement properly. Of course you'll receive personalized constructive criticism on how you are performing your own exercises, more detail on how this is done is through the free consultation.


© 2017 by Transcendence Personal Training & Coaching.

For more information and content please click on the following links above
Opening Times

Monday - Friday: 7am - 9pm

Saturday:  8am - 12pm
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